التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من أبريل, 2012

oppressed theater field performance

Pana Centre and CBRI program intend to mobilize communities in their Areas of Responsibility (AoR) within the Kirkuk governorate through the Grassroots Theater Initiative (GTI). The GTI approach that was started by the Ashtar Theatre Group in Palestine has been customized to respond to the Iraqi context, helping citizens and participants in the AoR understand and address the underlying drivers of conflict and violence in their communities through the approach of TO and Forum theater. The activity aimed to conduct five Forum Theater plays performed by the 16trained theater artists who received one month CBRI sponsored training on the Theater of the Oppressed (TO) methodology and technique.  This is a term created by Augusto Boal to describe those engaged in Forum theatre. It refers to the dual role of those involved in the process as both spectator and actor, as they both observe and create dramatic meaning and action in any performance. Forum theatre is a form of TO ...

Debate for peace building and reconciliation

Under Saddam Hussein's regime, all Iraqi children attended government-run schools that taught a standardized, state-approved curriculum. Now, private schools that provide specialized programs and less-crowded classrooms are beginning to open in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. In the pre-Saddam Hussein era, private schools were common in the country. But after 1979 (when Saddam became president), these schools were banned, a law passed in 2004 allowed private schools to open again. Private schools basically manage its own tuition charges by charging families for registration in the school. Now days every Parent wants their children to study in Private schools as they are providing best study material and scope to learn and get more care… Government schools charm getting fade due to non- efficiency of study material and even teachers are not showing their interest... Children of Governmental school always complaining about teaching not giving proper attention. In terms of c...