The fire safety plan and basic security guard training.
Basic security guard training Unit 5 Lesson (A)
As a security guard, you are entrusted with the crucial task of protecting people and property. Fire, a common and serious emergency situation, can swiftly destroy both. Your vigilance and responsibility in ensuring fire safety are paramount.
You should manage and look over the fire hazard on your site. Mostly, the security guards are the first people to detect a fire in the early stages. In the case of Fire, you have to know how to react quickly and confidently.
So, you should know the available types of fire equipment and their location on your site. This includes fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and fire doors. Not only this, but you must also get training to operate the fire equipment. Your own safety and the safety of others depends on your hand.
If you have not experienced the fire scene before, it is hard to imagine what it looks like. The Fire in the video and movies is nothing because we do not feel the heat and breath of smoke.
In the real Fire, many things existing such as smoke, flame and heat many people kill through inhaling the smoke than getting burnt. The transparent gases are released from the burning substances. The gases are lighter than the air, so they can spread quickly throughout the building. They are toxic, and as a result, people can die quickly after inhaling them.
The Fire is quick and fatal. When you are at the fire scene, you may not have time to think about how to handle it. Most importantly, you should know your fire safety plan very well and your role in case of Fire at your site.
What are fire safety and emergency procedures plans?
Every company has an emergency situation plan, which includes evacuation routes, firefighting equipment, and the contact number of the person in charge in case of an emergency.
Some companies have a complex emergency situation plan. I mean, a different emergency has a different action plan and different contact persons depending on the emergency. Even though the details of the plans are the same, the purpose is the same: to prepare people before an emergency happens.
Make sure there is an emergency situation plan in your workplace; not only this, but you also read and understand it. If you are sure the plan does not exist, then ask the client and inform your supervisor or manager regarding this.
Another important point is to read the plan often. Doing this can remain fresh in your mind about the emergency procedure and your role in it. That’s why, in case of an emergency, you can handle a situation without thinking about what is in your emergency response plan.
If there is no emergency situation plan on your site, ask about your roles in case of emergency. Don’t wait until the situation happens and look for the answer. As a security guard, you have the right to suggest your company or clients if anything relates to the safety and security of the people and property.
Fire elements;
The Fire can take place if the following three things are presented and coordinated with each other.
Fuel: The fuels are substances that burn in the Fire if they get enough heat. The material can be anything and any form, such as solid, liquid, or gas. In other words, these are called combustible materials.
Heat: The heat brings enough temperature to the material, and it ignites, which is the cause of the Fire. Without sufficient temperature, the Fire can not start.
Air: The Fire requires oxygen to breathe and grow just like we do. For our respiratory, we need 21% of the oxygen, so it is not hard for fire to take place anywhere people can breathe.
1. Class A (Ordinary combustible): paper, wood, plastic
2. Class B (Flammable liquid): petrol, diesel, kerosene, paint, thinner
3. Class C (Flammable gases): LPG & CNG
4. Class D, Electrical
5. Class E, Metal fire
Remember, the easiest way to deal with Fire is to prevent it from happening in the first place. As a security guard, you play a proactive and empowered role in fire prevention.
Fire put out method;
Cooling: In this method, we lower the temperature if we remove the heat from the Fire the fuel will cool, without enough temperature the fuel cannot combustible and burning.
Smothering: Smothering is another method of putting the Fire out. Here, we remove the air or oxygen from the Fire. For Example, putting a lid on a frying pan or covering the Fire with a fire blanket.
Starvation: When we remove the fuel from the source of Fire, such as turning off the gas or removing anything that is burning or may burn. Pump flammable liquids away from a burning tank.
A security guard must be familiar with the following things.
· Fire doors are intended to keep a fire within a specific area; some doors are designed atomically closed in the event of a fire alarm.
The Fire exits
· Fire exits provide an escape route for people in case of Fire.
· Panic bars allow a fire door to remain unlocked from the inside but locked from the outside.
· Know your building and always assume that every fire alarm is a real fire.
Fire blanket:
· It looks like cloth but is made of special chemicals and fiber. If the Fire is small, we can cover it using a blanket.
· If the Fire is in the human body, you can use to wrap the person’s body to put out the Fire.
· But make sure when you use the blanket, it covers the full Fire; otherwise, the Fire will not stop.
Cause of the Fire Hazards
Poor housekeeping: Sometimes things are not properly put away, like flammable materials left near heat sources, lying around, or put in the wrong place. This can lead to a fire hazard.
Poor maintenance: – Sometimes, things are not kept in good repair or are not properly made.
Improper uses: – Sometimes, things are used carelessly or not according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Arson: – Arson happens when someone starts a fire on purpose. It is important for security guards to be on the lookout for this.
Spontaneous combustion: – Chemical changes can take place in some materials. Over time, enough heat can build up inside to make them burst into flames. For example, Oily rags, flammable liquids, floor oils, hay, grain, charcoal, soft coal, and foam rubber can all start on Fire if not properly stored.
Fire extinguishers and their uses
As a security guard, you must know and be trained to handle fire extinguishers in case of fire at your workplace. When Fire, you must use a specific fire extinguisher for a specific fire to put it out.
Types of fire extinguishers;
1. Water:- It is the cheapest and most widely used fire extinguishers. Used for Class A fires. It is not suitable for use in Class B (Liquid) fires or where electricity is involved.
When you use the water extinguisher to put out the Class B fire, the oil is lighter, and it can easily float in the water; hence, the Fire can spread. If you use the water to put out class E (Electrical) Fire it is a danger of shock if the electricity line is not off.
2. Foam fire extinguisher:- It is more expensive than water made of chemical liquid. Used for Classes A & B fires. Foam spray extinguishers are not recommended for fires involving electricity but are safer than water if unknowingly sprayed onto live electrical apparatus.
3. DCP (Dry Cleaning Powder fire extinguishers):- DCP is Often called the ‘multi-purpose’ extinguisher, as it can be used on classes A, B & C fires. Best for running liquid fires (Class B).
However, make sure that when used for (class C) fire, it can be dangerous without first isolating the gas supply.
When you use the DCP indoors, the powder can cause unclear vision or damage goods and machinery. It is also very messy.
4. CO2 fire extinguisher:- Carbon Dioxide or CO2 is generally used against Fire electrical apparatus and will also extinguish class B liquid fires, but beware that when used in class B, fire can ignite again.
Color Coding of fire extinguisher
Water – Red
Foam – Cream
Dry Powder – Blue
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – Black
Halon – Green
(Halon fire extinguishers are illegal to present against any type of fire because of the health concerns of the people, but still, in some cases, the military and police may have exceptional rights in some countries).
1. Handled extinguishers
2. Movable extinguishers
3. Water extinguishers
4. Chemical powder extinguishers
Hose cabinets:
· Contain fabric hose
· Are water-based
· May require you to break the glass door
· May operate under greater pressure
Method of using the fire extinguisher
P= pull the safety pin
A= Aim the low at the base of the Fire
S Squeeze the lever above the handle
S= sweep side by side.
Fire prevention
1. Be observant (why are those people looking up? Is there is any fire in the room)
2. Be aware of your normal surroundings (To ensure the availability of the Are there items blocking fire exits).
3. Building fire may also be a crime scene. If the Fire has been deliberately set, you should prepare to answer questions from the police officers.
On the one hand, the security guards have to know the fire safety plan for their site, and on the other hand, knowing how to deal with Fire is equally important.
· The goal of dealing with Fire is not just to put it out but to possibly put it in a place where it damages. FIfyou have a burning wastebasket, you may be able to pull it into the center of the room.
· Guards have not fired fighters, but you can save lives and property by acting quickly on a small fire. Security can prevent a small fire from becoming a big one.
· There are other ways that a fire can be extinguished without directly involving a security guard (sprinkler system)
· The security guard should know the standpipe system, which is for the civil defense to connect water to continue the function of the sprinkler system.
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