التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

قاموس الوزارات

اطبع هذه الصفحة

مصطلحات الوزارات
رئاسة الوزارة
Prime Ministry
رئاسة الوزارة
رئيس الوزراء
Prime Minister
رئيس الوزراء
مجلس الوزراء
Council of Ministers
مجلس الوزراء
مستشار (رئيس الوزراء في بعض الدول)
مستشار وزير
Minister's Adviser
نائب رئيس وزراء
Deputy Prime Minister
نائب وزير
Deputy Minister
وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
وزارة الإرشاد القومي
Ministry of National Guidance
وزارة الاستثمار
Ministry of Investment
وزارة الأسطول التجاري
Ministry of Merchant Marine
وزارة الإسكان والمجتمعات الجديدة
Ministry of Housing & New Urban Communities
وزارة الأشغال العامة
Ministry of Public Affairs
وزارة الإعلام
Ministry of Information
وزارة الاقتصاد
Ministry of Economy
وزارة الأوقاف
Ministry of Waqfs (Religious Endowments)
وزارة البترول
Ministry of Oil
وزارة البحث العلمي
Ministry of Scientific Research
وزارة التأمينات والشئون الاجتماعية
Ministry of Insurance & Social Affairs
وزارة التجارة الخارجية
Ministry of Foreign Trade
وزارة التخطيط
Ministry of Planning
وزارة التربية والتعليم
Ministry of Education
وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي
Ministry of Social Solidarity
وزارة التعاون الدولي
Ministry of International Cooperation
وزارة التعليم العالي
Ministry of Higher Education
وزارة التموين والتجارة الداخلية
Ministry of Supply & Home Trade
وزارة التنمية المحلية والمشروعات العامة
Ministry of Local Development & Public Enterprises
وزارة الثقافة
Ministry of Culture
وزارة الحربية
Ministry of War
وزارة الخارجية
Department of State
وزارة الخارجية
Foreign Ministry
وزارة الخارجية
Foreign Office
وزارة الداخلية
Home Office
وزارة الداخلية
Ministry of the Interior
وزارة الدفاع
Ministry of Defense
وزارة الدولة لشئون البيئة
Ministry of State for Environment Affairs
وزارة الدولة للإنتاج الحربي
Ministry of State for Military Production
وزارة الدولة للتنمية الإدارية
Ministry of State for Administrative Development
وزارة الدولة للشئون الخارجية
State Ministry for Foreign Affairs
وزارة الري والموارد المائية
Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources
وزارة الزراعة
Ministry of Agriculture
وزارة السياحة
Ministry of Tourism
وزارة الشباب
Ministry of Youth
وزارة الشئون البلدية والقروية
Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs
وزارة الشئون الخارجية
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
وزارة الشئون الدينية
Ministry of Religious Affairs
وزارة الصحة
Ministry of Health
وزارة الصناعة
Ministry of Industry
وزارة الطيران المدني
Ministry of Civil Aviation
وزارة العدل
Ministry of Justice
وزارة القوى العاملة والهجرة
Ministry of Manpower & Immigration
وزارة الكهرباء
Ministry of Electricity
وزارة المالية
Ministry of Finance
وزارة النقل
Ministry of Transportation
وزير الشئون الخارجية
Minister of Foreign Affairs
وزير البنية التحتية
Minister of Infrastructure
وزير الخارجية
Foreign Minister
وزير الخارجية (الولايات المتحدة)
Secretary of State
وزير الخارجية (بريطانيا)
Foreign Secretary
وزير الداخلية
Secretary of Home Affairs
وزير الداخلية
Minister of the Interior
وزير الداخلية (بريطانيا)
Home Secretary
وزير الدفاع
Secretary of Defense
وزير الدفاع
Minister of Defense
وزير المالية
Minister of Finance
وزير المالية (بريطانيا)
Chancellor of the Exchequer
وزير بلا وزارة
Minister without Portfolio
وزير دولة
Minister of State
وزير دولة للشئون الخارجية
State Minister for Foreign Affairs


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

oppressed theater field performance

Pana Centre and CBRI program intend to mobilize communities in their Areas of Responsibility (AoR) within the Kirkuk governorate through the Grassroots Theater Initiative (GTI). The GTI approach that was started by the Ashtar Theatre Group in Palestine has been customized to respond to the Iraqi context, helping citizens and participants in the AoR understand and address the underlying drivers of conflict and violence in their communities through the approach of TO and Forum theater. The activity aimed to conduct five Forum Theater plays performed by the 16trained theater artists who received one month CBRI sponsored training on the Theater of the Oppressed (TO) methodology and technique.  This is a term created by Augusto Boal to describe those engaged in Forum theatre. It refers to the dual role of those involved in the process as both spectator and actor, as they both observe and create dramatic meaning and action in any performance. Forum theatre is a form of TO spea

Debate for peace building and reconciliation

Under Saddam Hussein's regime, all Iraqi children attended government-run schools that taught a standardized, state-approved curriculum. Now, private schools that provide specialized programs and less-crowded classrooms are beginning to open in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. In the pre-Saddam Hussein era, private schools were common in the country. But after 1979 (when Saddam became president), these schools were banned, a law passed in 2004 allowed private schools to open again. Private schools basically manage its own tuition charges by charging families for registration in the school. Now days every Parent wants their children to study in Private schools as they are providing best study material and scope to learn and get more care… Government schools charm getting fade due to non- efficiency of study material and even teachers are not showing their interest... Children of Governmental school always complaining about teaching not giving proper attention. In terms of c

Debate for peace building and reconciliation

Pana Center supported by CBIR program launched the 6 th TV debate on 28 th Feb 2012 1:00 pm at TERT TV channel studio. In this episode nine individuals were hosted totally two individuals were main guests while the rest of them were hosted citizen in which included journalists, beggars and personnel from different governmental positions.  The TV debate started with a previously prepared reportage about beggary phenomenon in Kirkuk . Beggary phenomenon is increased recently coincided with dramatic growth of beggars in the public areas which are mostly visited by people such as big market streets. Large number of beggars are children under age of ten mostly escorted with female beggars who are using this to motivate people’s compassions in order to obtain money from pedestrians on another hand some of beggars are not begging to earn daily bread but they are seeking chances to steal pockets.  The debaters Muhammad Aljiboori and Ahmad Muthir basically discussed mentioned iss