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Managing conflict in the workplace


managing conflict in the workplace training




Working as the security guard you are in a position where unintentionally exposes the confrontation or the conflict. You should have the skills and abilities for managing conflict in the workplace that can develop from practice and awareness.

The organization is committed to developing robust conflict management strategies and policies to effectively deal with internal conflicts. These policies, which are typically formulated by the HR department, demonstrate our dedication to creating a harmonious work environment.

The company has a comprehensive policy for managing conflict in the workplace. This policy outlines the expected behavior during conflicts, the steps to be taken for resolution, and the consequences of not adhering to the policy. It's important for all employees, including security guards, to be familiar with this policy.

The company will develop a conflict resolution policy depending on the potential causes that have existed in the organization. Conflict resolution policy contains the pre-approved system for handling conflict in the workplace. The documents may describe.

·        Employee rights to a fair and equitable workplace

·        Informal conflict resolution steps

·        Formal resolution steps

·        Timelines for conflict resolution

Causes of conflict in the workplace

The common cause of the conflict comes with diverse cultures from opposing views on religious, professional, and social practices. Understanding the cultural differences present in the workplace will help the security staff to identify the conflict and avoid the situation.

The different culture has a different perspective on social and professional matters. Persons who have a strong view of their culture can easily involve in the personal conflict in the workplace team or others.

As a security guard, it's crucial to respect all cultures in the workplace. Understanding and appreciating cultural differences not only avoids conflicts but also fosters a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.

If a diverse cultural workforce is in the workplace, you should be aware of the following things;

·        Worship habits and locations

·        Food and drink specific to a culture

·        Clothing and accessories worn

·        Days of religious significance

How do we recognize conflict situations in the workplace?

An emotional showing is a crucial indicator of conflict, and it is difficult to hide from the people’s view. Any indication of negative emotion from others may signal that personal conflict is going on.

If the security staff has the ability to understand the conflict in the workplace, They can prevent the conflict from happening in the team as well as with the public. You should be able to recognize the cause of the conflict and take appropriate action to resolve it. The conflict occurs in many environments, including

·        At the office

·        On duty facing the public or other site users

·        Within security posts, e.g. control room or access control point

The security staff must be aware of where and how the conflict could take place and must know the site policy for managing conflict in the workplace.



What are the sources of conflict in the workplace?

·        Internal work team

o   Stress

o   Verbal abuse

o   Untidy workspace

o   Tension between members

o   Poor communication

o   Lack of space or privacy

·        External sources 

o   Disrespectful employees outside the security team

o   Deliberate aggression e.g.

§  Personal Violence

§  Attempts to damage or destroy property

o   Upset site visitors, contractors, delivery agents, etc.

conflict management strategies

If a conflict happens between colleagues, customers, and people, the security staff should take appropriate action to restore a healthy work environment.

There are many recognized conflict management techniques in the workplace, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The five well-known conflict resolution steps are;

1.   Collaboration method: This strategy brings together each person’s common interests to achieve a common goal. This could take time and require much trust from the people involved.

2.   Compromise method: Everybody must be flexible with respect to the conflict’s resolution result. It can achieve faster than other conflict management strategies.

3.   Competition method: Is it one of the conflict management strategies? The conflicted persons compete to prove who has the correct standpoint. There is a weakness that the loser will not satisfied with the outcome.

4.   Accommodation strategy: This involves 1 person admitting to the other that they were wrong, or agreeing to disagree and move on.

5.   Avoidance strategy: This basically places the dispute to one side, to be dealt at a later time. Hoping that the issue will disappear after a long time.

Conflict resolution steps;

The security personnel should take the four basic conflict resolution steps to resolve the conflict between themselves and others or between other parties.

managing conflict in the workplace = “SLOW”

·        Set the tone

·        Listen and acknowledge

·        Observe and organize

·        Work toward resolution

1.   Set the tone of the conversation

o   View the situation as a problem to be solved together – not a battle to be won

o   Use positive verbal and body language

o   Be aware of and control the natural instincts to be aggressive

2.   Listen and acknowledge

o   Listen to the other person’s feelings, emotions, and experiences

o   One of the biggest barriers to conflict resolution is when people are unwilling to acknowledge each other‟ 's perspective on the situation

3.   Observe and organize the situation

o   Try to view the conflict in a 3rd person to understand the whole story

o   Ask questions to better understand the opposing point of view

4.   Work to find a solution

o   Once the issues causing the conflict have been clearly observed and organized, an open mind is required to see a solution

o   Try to find a solution that will satisfy each person

o   Many solutions may be identified, and each person may then agree upon a final solution

Reviewing process after managing conflict in the workplace

In order to ensure the enduring effect of the solution, it is necessary to evaluate the results of any dispute. Security staff may take time to determine whether the solutions agreed upon are still relevant and remain aware of any changes that may lead to a new start or re-start of the old dispute.

Conclusion: managing conflict in the workplace depends on your ability and skills to deal with the people who have involved. You should have well knowledge of your company policy regarding conflict resolution.


  1. انا في خدمة الرائعين

  2. جزاك الله خيرا .

  3. الحمدالله بارك الله فيكم

  4. يعتبر من أهم الأشياء التي تساعد علي فهم الصياغة الاقتصادية

  5. يعتبر من أهم الأشياء التي تساعد علي فهم الصياغة الاقتصادية رائع

  6. ممكن مترجمه باللغه الايطالية

  7. رائع جدا وبارك الله بالعاملين على هذا المجهود الرائع

  8. السلام عليكم، أريد إبلاغ أي شخص يقرأ هذا ويرغب في الحصول على تمويل من شركة موثوقة، يرجى الاتصال بهذه الشركة وإبلاغها بالتفاصيل أدناه واتباع كل ما يُطلب منك القيام به وستحصل على التمويل الخاص بك لأنه لقد حصلت على قرضي منهم ولهذا السبب أفعل ذلك أيضًا لمساعدة أي شخص في حاجة ماسة إلى التمويل. اتصل بهم عبر البريد الإلكتروني (contact@sunshinefinser.com) أو WhatsApp: +919233561861


  9. بوركت جهودكم

  10. je m'appelle Samar Al Tarawneh. J'ai récemment eu besoin d'un prêt de 200 000 $ pour développer mon entreprise. Désespéré d'avoir des fonds rapides, je suis tombé sur un prêteur en ligne qui promettait une approbation rapide avec un minimum de paperasse. Désireux de lancer le processus, j'ai fourni mes informations personnelles et payé divers frais. Cependant, une fois les frais payés, le prêteur a disparu sans laisser de trace. J’étais dévasté et je me sentais stupide d’être tombé dans un tel piège. Déterminé à ne pas abandonner, j’ai continué ma recherche d’un prêteur fiable. C'est à ce moment-là que j'ai découvert la société de prêt européenne. Ils étaient une lueur d’espoir dans mes moments difficiles. Leur processus transparent et leur communication claire m'ont redonné la foi. Je les ai contactés par e-mail à EuropeanUnion_Loan@europe.com, euloansyndication@gmail.com ou EuropeanUnion_loansyndication@outlook.com. Pour une réponse rapide, j'ai également contacté Telegram à https://t.me/europeanunionloansyndication et WhatsApp au +393510709856. L’équipe de l’EU Loan Company était professionnelle et solidaire. Ils m'ont guidé tout au long du processus de candidature, s'assurant que tout était clair et simple. Grâce à eux, j’ai obtenu le prêt de 200 000 $ dont j’avais besoin et j’ai réussi à développer mon entreprise. Mon expérience nous rappelle qu'il faut se méfier des escroqueries en ligne, mais aussi qu'il existe des entreprises légitimes et dignes de confiance, comme EU Loan Company, prêtes à vous aider.


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