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عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2012

Debate for peace building and reconciliation

Pana Center supported by CBIR program launched the 6 th TV debate on 28 th Feb 2012 1:00 pm at TERT TV channel studio. In this episode nine individuals were hosted totally two individuals were main guests while the rest of them were hosted citizen in which included journalists, beggars and personnel from different governmental positions.  The TV debate started with a previously prepared reportage about beggary phenomenon in Kirkuk . Beggary phenomenon is increased recently coincided with dramatic growth of beggars in the public areas which are mostly visited by people such as big market streets. Large number of beggars are children under age of ten mostly escorted with female beggars who are using this to motivate people’s compassions in order to obtain money from pedestrians on another hand some of beggars are not begging to earn daily bread but they are seeking chances to steal pockets.  The debaters Muhammad Aljiboori and Ahmad Muthir basically discussed ment...