Center supported by CBIR program launched the 6th TV debate on 28th
Feb 2012 1:00 pm at TERT TV channel studio. In this episode nine individuals
were hosted totally two individuals were main guests while the rest of them
were hosted citizen in which included journalists, beggars and personnel from different
governmental positions.
The TV debate started with a previously
prepared reportage about beggary phenomenon in Kirkuk . Beggary phenomenon is increased recently coincided with dramatic growth
of beggars in the public areas which are mostly visited by people such as big
market streets. Large number of beggars are children under age of ten mostly
escorted with female beggars who are using this to motivate people’s
compassions in order to obtain money from pedestrians on another hand some of
beggars are not begging to earn daily bread but they are seeking chances to
steal pockets.
The debaters Muhammad Aljiboori and Ahmad Muthir basically discussed mentioned issue as it is results of poverty, unemployment and lack of governmental social care and one of the reasons is a large number of refugees have fluxed into Kirkuk city after 2003 as they were victims of wars in which most of families lost its breadwinner and residence as well. The two main guests stated that in some cases beggars are organized in associations in pyramid network forms managed by groups of beggars spreading their members on public streets to earn financial benefits in any terms, “begging has became a habit psychologically for beggars who are not connected socially according to a research presented recently by scholars” stated Jwan Hasa director of human rights committee while another hosted guest quoted “beggary is forbidden in all religions and beliefs for its negative reflects on community in many aspects” stated sheikh Abas religion leader.
The debaters Muhammad Aljiboori and Ahmad Muthir basically discussed mentioned issue as it is results of poverty, unemployment and lack of governmental social care and one of the reasons is a large number of refugees have fluxed into Kirkuk city after 2003 as they were victims of wars in which most of families lost its breadwinner and residence as well. The two main guests stated that in some cases beggars are organized in associations in pyramid network forms managed by groups of beggars spreading their members on public streets to earn financial benefits in any terms, “begging has became a habit psychologically for beggars who are not connected socially according to a research presented recently by scholars” stated Jwan Hasa director of human rights committee while another hosted guest quoted “beggary is forbidden in all religions and beliefs for its negative reflects on community in many aspects” stated sheikh Abas religion leader.
The debate ended with many solution presented by
guests as well as people interviewed previously such as allocating crtain
amount of money to support poor families on monthly bases and controlling
beggars by authorized governmental forces to impose them into rehabilitation programs.
this report is prepared by Awara Wahab.
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